Monday, April 23, 2012

Fashion throughout History: Part 1, Chapter 1: The Neanderthals

Interview with Neanderthals:
Photo and Text: Miss Doodle/AHdP

"It was never easy for us Neanderthals to make our clothes. Our great-grandfathers and mothers lived naked, hunted naked. But then, the big cold came, and now we need to protect outselves. We use animal hides, reindeer, wolf, bear and mammoth hides. We have learned that we must tan those hides, so that they become soft. Sometimes we chew them, that's one method among several.

Then we make holes with awls and tools from flint, and we use animal sinews to bring pieces of hides together!"


Snapshot: Miss Doodle with a friendly group of hunting Neanderthals. Illustrations of Neanderthals' clothes, details.


Betsy Grant said...

I love your sense of humor!

Marietjie said...

Hi Andrea,
You make a very good secretary! I love your drawings!

waikiki hotel said...

You really have a sense of humor. I love your doodles. It's so beautiful Keep posting!