Thursday, January 22, 2009

winter sales shopping results - Résultats opération "Soldes"

Miss Doodle threw herself into the crazy winter-sales-shopping crowd, determined to buy a pair of shoes (which she really needs) but a very talented saleswomen made her understand that this was what she, Miss Doodle, really wanted:

Miss Doodle voulait s'acheter une paire de chaussures, dont elle a besoin, et profiter des soldes! Le résultat des courses: une vendeuse très douée a réussi à convaincre Miss Doodle que ce qu'elle voulait vraiment était exactement ceci:.....

copyright ©estandrea - all rights reserved


Corryna said...

Wonderful result. Could you send me a tunica like that too? I love it! :-)

Cathie said...

Oh Miss Doodle, I am certain you will look absolutely divine in your new purchases. They will go so beautifully with your short red, um I mean long blonde hair!
Doesn't it feel good to spoil yourself every once in a great while??! Enjoy your new purchases. They will make you feel as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside.

Yvette said...

so stupid, i just now understand your miss doodle is a special funny
(ain't she ....)

Andrea and Kim said...

Miss Doodle, I love these things you have purchased. I think maybe you will find the shoes in another shop. I bet these are fun to wear. I love these colors!

Thanks Miss Doodle!

sukipoet said...

Oh Miss Doodle. I am so glad you fell under the persuasion of the saleswoman. What fabulous fun to have an entire new outfit. I've been wanting one too, so now I feel inspired to maybe do so! Have fun wearing your outfit.

aimee said...

'shopping' and 'paris' are a very dangerous combination!

Cris, Artist in Oregon said...

ah a lovely new outfit. so where's the new shoes? She WAS a talented sales person. :)) Shopping in Paris. How fantasatic is that??? Sigh.

ArtistUnplugged said...

What beautiful and vibrant colors Miss Doodle was decked out in! Quite the looker!

marianne said...

Thanks for your comment and best wishes for my dad!

Anonymous said...

do you have enough money ? "soldes"... what's that ? Thank's for making me dream of that. Thank's for the united colours of Obama !

Anonymous said...

Vraiment, c'est une bonne vendeuse! et quelles jolies couleurs!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for your comments.
Well and, actually I don't need much money for the clothes, cause mostly I draw what I want and stick with my old wardrobe:) This here is an exception, cause I really bought the beret, the tunica and the scarf, although I guess I don't really need these things. But they make me feel good, so....

Mim said...

What fun! I love the new outfit and it is certainly fun to watch miss doodle shop in paris

Anonymous said...

so you found the 'perle rare' ah ah ah troubled waters produce wonders sometimes ;o)

mariga(z) said...

Une année débordée ??
Il faut que je change mes liens ;)
Sacré shopping, coloré ! En tout cas l'ensemble porté est superbe :))

Katiejane said...

Great decision! What a wonderful outfit, Miss Doodle! And thank you for reminding me that I needed to do some minor altering on a pant suit that I want to wear to a dinner tomorrow night!

Lynn Cohen said...

Oh she is such the clothes horse!
I love her.

Anonymous said...

ça va. Elle ne t'a pas arnaqué. Tu vas être jolie avec tout ça.