Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tuesday January 27, 2008 - Thinking about next summer...

Miss Doodle needs a bit of colorful superficiality right now, sky's so grey here in Paris...

Miss Doodle a besoin de couleurs et d'idées un peu superficielles, il fait si gris à Paris...


Mikes blog said...

The skies grey here too, but Miss Doodle is always a colourful interlude.

Yvette said...

miss Doodle, yo show us a nice summercollection. A wish I was as slim as you!

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing some bright colors on a cold winter day Missy Doodles.
hugs from Texas...

Andrea and Kim said...

Miss Doodle, you are so allowed to dream of the summer you love! That is a good thing, isn't it? I adore your collection so much and wish I could fit into it as nicely as you. Here in Washington, DC it is snowing and we are to expect ice, then we will be warm again! I am happy for the snow for now, however I always look forward to these lovely creations from you and your lovely secretary.

Blaise and Cathie Recca - Carolina Pines Realty, LLC said...

WHAT - no bikini????? Me neither.

Anonymous said...

Oui pense au soleil et puis pense au stWing a mettre sur la plage et à la cellulite de cuisses.C'est LA que tu regardes ton manteau couvre fesses, que tu lui dis je t'aime et que tu repars dans le gris.Ca t'aide nan?Nan.ok.

Katiejane said...

Miss Doodle's staying optimistic about the weather. Good for youm Miss D!

Cris, Artist in Oregon said...

Ah a Woman after my own heart. Summer dreaming. It is cold & gray here too & now it rains. I want some sunshine and warmth for a few days.!!! :)Thanks for the bright light fashions.

Anonymous said...

c'est très joli, c'est ce que je préfère de ce que tu fais, les vêtements !!! ces couleurs sont précieuses en ce moment dans le gris - blanc de l'hiver ...