Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday, January 30, 2008 - Simple Pleasures

Simple pleasures: The secretary took this snapshot in a hurry: Miss Doodle making pasta with Broccoli and Fennel...

Plaisirs simples: La secrétaire, avant de partir, a vite pris une photo de Miss Doodle en train de faire la cuisine: Pâtes à la farine complète avec un coulis de broccoli et de fenouil.

Copyright ©estandrea - All rights reserved


sukipoet said...

Would Miss Doodle like to come to my house to cook? Sounds and looks divine.

Laura Doyle said...

I love to visit you! Not only do I get to indulge in doodling daydreams but I get to revive my French vocabulary which hasn't been used in quite some time. Always a pleasure.

ArtistUnplugged said...

What a fun sketch! I love all the colors in it........yes, I agree with Suki, put me on your chef schedule!

Cris, Artist in Oregon said...

Yumm..Looks like the finest ingredients for a simple but delicious meal.

Paula In Pinetop said...

Yum. I'll be right over ! Should I bring some wine?

Andrea and Kim said...

Yummmm... pasta, broccoli, fennel...with a little olive oil! It sounds like a dinner made in heaven! You are a woman of so many talents, dear Miss Doodle! Your secretary is also a woman of many talents...the two of you are quite a team.

Anonymous said...

J'ai faim ! Et j'aimerais bien connaître ta recette !

Mim said...

Yummy - looks delicious

Paula In Pinetop said...

I know, I've already commented once but today I was looking at some of the older posts and just wanted to say that I want Miss Doodles closet. Man that girl has some really good stuff !!!!!!

Rick said...

I was just doing some blog surfing and found yours. I've enjoyed looking at your art. It has a simple elegance. Thank you for sharing.

Lynn Cohen said...

Ms Doodle has a very healthy life style it seems.

Unknown said...

I am hungry! I've not yet had breakfast. The pasta has my mouth watering. I believe that I shall walk away from this computer and cook breakfast. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Les brocolis, rien de tel pour se requinquer (moi, je les adore à la vapeur): les plaisirs simples, les "simples", ces herbes aromatiques cultivées dans les monastères.

Jerry OX said...

Miss Doodle en cuisinière (que dis je en fée du logis ) un véritable petit cordon bleu qui doit fait la joie de ses convives ...oh oui !! je suis certain que tu es tout celà et meme plus encore !

Denise Scicluna said...

i love how random this looks. yet it looks good to my eye :)