Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Quicumque vult.....


Miss Doodle is back and dancing in the rain with her secretary. She read a book during her vacation, about a (fable says the church:) woman who reigned as Pope in 850 AD (approx). While reading, she doodles these two guys into her notebook.
She didn't get the words right, the correct words are: QUICUMQUE VULT.... which is part of a catholic doctrine (about 320 AD) which said that you will NOT be saved if you do not follow the catholic religion. I'm banalizing, of course. Just so you know that we're back here, too:)
the secretary

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Miss Doodle Metro Overdose

Copyright ©estandrea - All rights reserved
Miss Doodle's Secretary is adjusting to this new, relatively white paper she uses, and it's rough quality, (compared with the very smooth and yellowish paper of the Moleskine notebooks she used before). The colors show up nicely, it's the white background which feels 'wrong" at the beginning.
While portraying Miss Doodle and this round tourist Lady, the secretary thought of a silly song she heard as a child (in 1961, she was 4:), sung by an American singer who was quite famous in Germany at that time, Bill Ramsey. I wonder if he ever had any success in the US but in Germany he really was very very popular. It went like that: "Das ist die Zuckerpuppe aus der Bauchtanztruppe von der ganz Marokko spricht..." which means: "That's the sweetie of the belly-dance company everybody in Marokko is talking about"....
You don't know if you should cry or laugh, if you hear this...If you'd like to get a glimpse into the state of lobotomized mind Germany found itself in during the 60ies, you can find the song on youtube.....:)

Monday, July 6, 2009

NYC - First Impression

First day impression, captured by Miss Doodle's secretary after a wonderful first day in the city that never sleeps (she forgot to put some yellow cabs into the drawing, this is unforgivable)/

Miss Doodle, of course, knows it all as she has been to New York already... and invites you to play a little game: can you make her out in the crowd?

click on the picture to get a better overall view
Copyright ©estandrea - All rights reserved

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Paris Fashion Week - Miss Doodle's Catwalk

click to enlarge
Copyright ©estandrea - All rights reserved

Miss Doodle brings you the Paris Fashion for next summer, golden glittering fabrics, vertiginous high heels, diamonds, cool sunglasses, sophisticated hairdresses inspired by summer meadows...
(It's still cold in Paris, we are sooooooo waiting for spring).

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Miss Doodles Travel to Fulda, Germany - Travel Journal

Watercolour and ink on Arche Paper, size 56 x 76 cm (22 x 29.9 in) Details: (I had to mess with the color, the original is nicer:)

Miss Doodle's Fashion show in one of the baroque residences festive rooms (you also can see part of the so called Rieger-Organ in the Cathedral and a detail of the Altar)

In this szene, Miss Doodle arrives in a carriage, she's late for the masqued ball!

Miss Doodle drinking tee in the mirror-cabinet, which is part of the former private dressing rooms of Fulda's prince-abotts

Miss Doodle's baroque fashion show and baroque patterns
You already have seen this picture of the benedictine cloister, the first one in this travel journal, I just added three sketches of a nun's habits
This is what you see when you look up in the St. Salvator Cathedral, an impressive dome with wonderful paintings in the four corners
The Rotunda under the Church of St. Michael, looking mysterious and bathed in a very special light...
Miss Doodle watching the kites bearing the coat of arms of Fulda, dancing over St. Michael Church
Voilà, this is it, we hope you enjoyed the tour! Have a wonderful week!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Le voyage de Miss Doodle à Fulda en Allemagne -Miss Doodle's Journey to Fulda, Germany

Have been busy finishing a Miss Doodle painting which will hopefully enter a show in a Museum in Fulda, Germany, beginning of next month. The painting was finished on Tuesday evening, at the last possible minute, and I forgot to take a picture! I hope to get one from the friendly curator who is a good friend of mine. Miss Doodle will have to appear in front of a jury TODAY and I hope she will show herself from her best side:).

The painting is a sort of "carnet de voyage", a Travel-Journal, 75 x 50cm / 30 x 20 in., many different scenes with views of interesting places in this town and little commentaries, Miss Doodle Style...

I hope that I'll be soon able to get a picture and show it to you. A big hug for everybody!
Have a great weekend!

Alors. Voilà ce qui s'est passé ces derniers temps. J'ai dessiné pour une expo en Allemagne, à Fulda, sur le sujet "relations" dans le cadre de "la semaine de la femme". Le dessin a été fini en dernière minute (arrrg pourquoi c'est comme ça je n'en sais rien mais les meilleures idées viennent souvent à la fin). Donc. Le dessin a été envoyé en dernière minute, le coin en bas à droite seché avec le sèche-cheveux:)
C'est un carnet de voyage, une aquarelle 50x 75 cm sur papier Arche, avec pleins de scénettes et de commentaires très Miss Doodle-èsques, avec entre autre un défilé de mode très baroque!!!

Et voilà que j'ai oublié d'en faire une photo, mince alors. C'est antiprofessionnel ça, comme attitude. J'espère que j'aurais quand même l'occasion de vous le montrer bientôt.

En attendant, espérons que le jury, qui se retrouve aujourd'hui pour sélectionner les 70 oeuvres qui vont participer à l'expo, dans un musée, aime Miss Doodle comme vous l'aimer:)

Bisous à tous et bon weekend!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mardi 17 février 2009 - Le Troll du Métro - Metro Bogey - Metrobold



Have you ever met one of these?
Avez-vous déjà rencontré une de ces créatures?

This is a Metro Bogey !!!
C'est un Troll de Métro!!!

Oh yes, Miss Doodle knows them well! They disguise as normal people, but as soon as they come near you, they transform. To big, cumbersome things.

Oh oui, Miss Doodle les connait bien. Ils se déguisent en gens normaux mais dés qu'ils s'approchent de vous, ils se transforment. En gros machins encombrants.

They get bigger and bigger and gobble up all space until you end up squashed.

Ils deviennent de plus en plus énorme, prennent toute la place jusqu'à ce que vous terminez écrasé...

Copyright ©estandrea - All rights reserved

Friday, February 6, 2009

Friday February 6, 2009 - Miss Doodle presents her Paris Fashion Show

Miss Doodle is good for this special part of our soul requesting deliciously superficiel delight:)

Copyright ©estandrea - All rights reserved

Thursday, February 5, 2009




Copyright ©estandrea - All rights reserved

Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday, January 30, 2008 - Simple Pleasures

Simple pleasures: The secretary took this snapshot in a hurry: Miss Doodle making pasta with Broccoli and Fennel...

Plaisirs simples: La secrétaire, avant de partir, a vite pris une photo de Miss Doodle en train de faire la cuisine: Pâtes à la farine complète avec un coulis de broccoli et de fenouil.

Copyright ©estandrea - All rights reserved

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wednesday January 28th - Benedictine Abbey / Abbaye Bénédictine

Miss Doodle's Secretary is working on two very different paintings for an entry in an exhibition in Germany in March this year. Miss Doodle presents you a sneek preview:)Miss Doodle visiting the Benedictine Abbey St. Mary in Fulda, Germany.

La secrétaire de Miss Doodle travaille sur deux peintures très différentes en vue d'une exposition en Allemagne au mois de mars. Miss Doodle vous présente une "sneak preview":
Miss Doodle en visite à l'Abbaye Bénédictine St. Marie à Fulda en Allemagne.

St. Mary's Abbey is a Benedictine nunnery in Fulda, Hesse, Germany.
It was founded in 1626. Its first decades were very troubled as a result of the
Thirty Years' War: the sisters often had to flee from enemy troops and the abbey was looted several times.
The nunnery was able to evade destruction during the secularisation of 1802 by turning itself into a girls' school. During the
Kulturkampf, the sisters went into exile in France from 1875 to 1887. In 1898, the nunnery was elevated to the status of abbey. In 1942, although most religious houses in Germany were commandeered by the National Socialists, the nuns were able to avoid eviction by offering the use of most of the premises to the Wehrmacht.
After becoming closer in their way of life over a period of many years to the
Beuronese Congregation within the Benedictine Confederation, the abbey finally became a member in 1982.
The nuns engage in various handicrafts, run the abbey shop and have built a compost activator.

L'abbaye bénédictine de Fulda fut fondée pour la mission dans le Nord de la Germanie. Elle prit son essor après 754 lorsqu'elle devint, en étant le lieu de la sépulture de St Boniface, une sorte de sanctuaire national pour les Germains. Une grande basilique fut construite, entre 791 et 819, sur le modèle de St-Pierre de Rome dont l'influence était grande à Fulda.
L'école de Fulda commença de devenir florissante sous Charlemagne et
Alcuin et elle fut développée par Raban Maure. Connue alors dans toute l'Europe, elle apporta au monde germanique les oeuvres de l'Antiquité et les commentaires des Ecritures.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tuesday January 27, 2008 - Thinking about next summer...

Miss Doodle needs a bit of colorful superficiality right now, sky's so grey here in Paris...

Miss Doodle a besoin de couleurs et d'idées un peu superficielles, il fait si gris à Paris...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

winter sales shopping results - Résultats opération "Soldes"

Miss Doodle threw herself into the crazy winter-sales-shopping crowd, determined to buy a pair of shoes (which she really needs) but a very talented saleswomen made her understand that this was what she, Miss Doodle, really wanted:

Miss Doodle voulait s'acheter une paire de chaussures, dont elle a besoin, et profiter des soldes! Le résultat des courses: une vendeuse très douée a réussi à convaincre Miss Doodle que ce qu'elle voulait vraiment était exactement ceci:.....

copyright ©estandrea - all rights reserved

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Winter sales in Paris. Miss Doodle needs a new pair of shoes. She doesn't like shopping during sales period, that is like jumping into a very crowded swimmingpool with stale water..... but she needs these shoes...

click to enlarge the image
Copyright ©estandrea - All rights reserved

Monday, January 5, 2009

Monday January 5, 2008 - VISIT THE CLOTHARIUM

click on the image to enjoy the details
Copyright ©estandrea - All rights reserved