Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Miss Doodle's way to stay zen

This is dedicated to all those who feel stressed today


ArtistUnplugged said...

Thanks...I needed this! So adorable, creative, beautiful! The header illustration cracks me up with the kitty and the snails

Cris, Artist in Oregon said...

Yes I too needed this. Lovely painting. All so charming and peaceful. Loving Miss Doodle more lately.

mariga(z) said...

En effet, toutes ces choses ont un pouvoir déstressant ! Merci :-))

sukipoet said...

Miss doodle, you know the way to go!!! Wish I were there destressing with you.

Kim said...

Thank you, Miss D! This is a wonderful reminder to take good care of ourselves. Please let your secretary know how much we appreciate all of her talents, so she can bring you to us!