Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wednesday February 18, 2009 - Bird Dresses - Robes Oiseaux

Copyright ©estandrea - All rights reserved


Unknown said...

Missy Doodles, your bird dresses are divine. Thank you for sharing these beautiful creations and colors! they always give me smile.

mariga(z) said...

Superbes robes... très printanières !!! Ces couleur nous donnent envie de printemps....

Andrea and Kim said...

Miss Doodle! I am a HUGE FAN! I love all of these little details involved in these outfits...the head wear is amazing, too. Of course who would not love the "trains" of these dresses? I have to say, though, my greatest love is the feather boots! Far to cool for words.

You wear them all so beautifully, Dahling!

Cris, Artist in Oregon said...

Miss Doodle your wardrobe is for the birds....:))
Is she picking a dress for the Oscars that are this weekend?
Lovely outfits.I like the one with the slinky leg sticking out. :)

ArtistUnplugged said...

Those are fabulous, not fowl, dresses! What is the cleaning instructions on those! Lovely illustration.

sukipoet said...

these are such fun Miss Doodle. Yes, I do think these are Oscar caliber dresses, as Cris mentions. And my WV word is WINGlec

Lynn Cohen said...

Ms D has the most colorful life and waredrobe! Lucky her!

my word verifaction is penclis.
almost pencils. Fun.

Genie said...

Fantastic Creations Miss Doodles

soulbrush said...

ooooh where can i order one miss doddle, they would suit me so well.

Katiejane said...

Miss Doodle, you have a more outrageous and spectacular wardrobe than Cher!! I'll bet she's jealous, and you put Bob Mackey to tears! Love it!

kj said...

holy cluck! what a display!


Anonymous said...

La robe paon est très amusante, on dirait une coiffe d'indien!

Anonymous said...

Ce blog est devenu une veritable multi-nationale.

Cynthia Pittmann said...

What lovely fun playful work Cassandra/Miss Doodle! Wonderful concept!

Anonymous said...

I agree, absolutely divine.I want them all!!!

Anonymous said...

I like the peacock particularly, glorious male, lol, we often saw some in a parc floral, it's incredible they can 'fly', it's great to have those colours on dresses, hats why not ;o)