Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Miss Doodle Metro Overdose

Copyright ©estandrea - All rights reserved
Miss Doodle's Secretary is adjusting to this new, relatively white paper she uses, and it's rough quality, (compared with the very smooth and yellowish paper of the Moleskine notebooks she used before). The colors show up nicely, it's the white background which feels 'wrong" at the beginning.
While portraying Miss Doodle and this round tourist Lady, the secretary thought of a silly song she heard as a child (in 1961, she was 4:), sung by an American singer who was quite famous in Germany at that time, Bill Ramsey. I wonder if he ever had any success in the US but in Germany he really was very very popular. It went like that: "Das ist die Zuckerpuppe aus der Bauchtanztruppe von der ganz Marokko spricht..." which means: "That's the sweetie of the belly-dance company everybody in Marokko is talking about"....
You don't know if you should cry or laugh, if you hear this...If you'd like to get a glimpse into the state of lobotomized mind Germany found itself in during the 60ies, you can find the song on youtube.....:)